I’ve been working on the Smoothing Iron quilt that I’m making with my African indigo fabrics. Just two more long seams and the top will be complete. THEN I can start on Bonnie Hunter’s Celtic Solstice!
There are lots of bias edges with these sixty degree angles and lots of points that I would like to have match nicely. So I’ve been pinning carefully as I go along – I would rather spend a few minutes pinning than a lot of minutes picking out!
As I worked I became annoyed at finding pins with rough spots on them. Seemed every second pin I picked up had burrs on the shaft. I finally reached for the little pill container in which I put discarded “Sharps” and dropped the next nasty pin in there. No more rough pins! I had been picking up and putting back the same bad pin for half an hour!!
I love your shweshwe fabric with the green! I bought some a few years ago and enjoyed working with it. Very cool pattern!
This is really a great color combination. Your blocks are so nicely done and lay so flat.
I have been having some bad pin days, too. I keep thinking there must be a way to smooth them out or sharpen the points. Such a waste.
I use my hubby's whet stone he uses to sharpen knives with.
Also I learned online to use a tiny bit of school glue on your seams and press after gluing and you need no pins. . .
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